Bike ReCycles

White circle with bike illustration and text Bike ReCycles

A bike donation project delivered across Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire. Recycling unwanted bikes for those in need.

Family cycling

Project purpose

The Bike ReCycle project is a new and exciting community-based cycling project being piloted in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire. The project, supported by Buckinghamshire Council, allows eligible residents to apply for a FREE quality checked bicycle, with the aim of making Cycling accessible for everyone. 

Team of qualified
bike mechanics

Working in partnership with Otec Bikes, we are able to repair and service donated bicycles ready for a new home. 

“Our offer is simple really, to provide an exceptional level of service and repair. To be on hand to offer our experience and expertise when required to ensure your bicycle is taken care of”. 

Community bike maintenance

Donate a bicycle

In order to make this project work, we’re reliant on the local community donating unwanted bicycles they no longer need or want. If you have a bicycle(s) that has been in your shed for a while now and just collecting cob webs, we’d love to take it off your hands.

The more bicycles that are donated, the more we can provide to individuals in need.

Our collection point is: Otec Bike Shop, located in Halton Tennis Centre, Chestnut End, Halton, Aylesbury HP22 5PD.

The opening hours are: 

Thursday10 am–5 pm
Friday10 am–4 pm
Saturday10 am–5 pm
Tuesday10 am–5 pm

If you have any questions ahead of donating a bicycle please contact our Project Officer, Bolu Fisher at:

Apply for a FREE bicycle

To ensure we are reaching those individuals who would most benefit from a free bicycle, there is an eligibility criteria you must meet in order to be eligible, please see information below.

Eligibility Criteria

If you are eligible for a free bicycle, please complete our form below.

Please note, we cannot guarantee that all eligible applicants will receive a free bicycle as we are reliant on matching a bicycle we’ve been given to the applicant’s criteria, e.g., height in relation to bike frames available.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
What is your gender?
In the past week, on how many days have you done a total of 30 minutes or more of physical activity which raised your breathing rate and made your heart beat faster? (This may include sport, exercise, and brisk walking or cycling for recreation or to get to and from places but should not include housework or physical activity that may be part of your job. It can be carried out over multiple sessions, but must be a minimum 10 minutes each).
If applying on behalf of a child please skip this question and answer the following question.
In the past week, what is the average number of minutes of physical activity you have done each day? (Activity should be enough to raise your heart rate and get you out of breath. This is not limited to sport and includes activities such as playing in the park, cycling and brisk walking).
Please only answer this question If applying on behalf of a child.
Please state which organisation referred you:
I am interested in bike maintenance workshops, Learn to ride and/or bikeability courses
Please confirm you (the recipient) is 16+ years of age
If applying for a child under 16, please tick if the parent/carer also needs a bike.
I understand that my information will be kept anonymous and confidential and I am happy to participate.

Meet our delivery team:

Bolu Fisher

Bolu Fisher
Project Officer

adam bike project

Adam Howard
Head of Physical Activity 

07538 706560


Funded by:

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